Knights of Columbus, Permanent Diaconate Candidate
Many might know that his full name is Ezequiel Arturo Juarez Ayala, but most know him by his middle name and his father's last name (Arturo Juarez). Arturo was born in Mexico and lived there for 36 years. He has been married for 24 years, and they have two children. Our Lord brought them to Maine in 2011. They shortly joined the Parish of the Holy Eucharist, where they regularly attend Mass at 11 am at Sacred Heart. Arturo attends daily Mass at Holy Martyrs and Sacred Heart. He volunteers in our Parish as an Altar server, Sacristan, Reader, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, member of our Parish Knights of Columbus council, Team member of the ACTS retreat, and as a member serving on our Parish Pastoral Council. He has lead and co-lead faith sharing groups, Bible studies, and faith formation classes. In 2019, he was approached by our former Pastor and Deacon Dennis about discerning a call to the Deaconate; the seed was planted. When a new formation class for the Deaconate opened the Lord lead Arturo to apply. He has completed 2 of his 5 formation years. He asks us all to please pray for an increase of vocations to the Priesthood, the Deaconate, and religious life.