Once again, this year your Parish of the Holy Eucharist Knights have remembered our Veterans at Togus with 2025 Calendars for their rooms.
Pictured from left to right. Council Guard Charles Thuston. Past Deputy Grand Knight Joe Mathew OFS. Togus Office Manager accepting the calendars.
Treasurer John De Fusco presented a check for $400.00 to Jenny Pratt of the ABBA Women’s Choice Center in Portland. Pictured from left to Right is Treasurer John De Fusco and Mrs. Jenny Pratt Chief Executive Officer.
Our Vision: To build the domestic church in collaboration with the Diocese of Portland by evangelizing and proclaiming our faith through our works of Charity, Unity and Fraternity.
Come One Come All! Your Knights of Columbus of the Parish of the Holy Eucharist is sponsoring a 2019 New Year Game Evening at Holy Martyrs Church Hall on Saturday January 12, 2019 from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm.