Parish of the Holy Eucharist will be supporting families within our communities, incarcerated youth, veterans, and retired religious to ensure Christmas is a magical and blessed day! Please see attached how you can help in each of our Church communities.
Looking for a gift that will also support Boy Scouts Troop 12? Take advantage of the annual VIP Coupon Book fundraiser for the Boy Scouts Click for details.
On December 8, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a holy day of obligation and our Patronal Feast Day of the United States of America.
Kits are on sale this weekend, November 25/26. A full kit is $20 and includes a metal wreath ring, artificial garland, four candle tapers, and a home prayer pamphlet. If you already have a wreath, you can purchase a set of four candles for $10.