Knights of Columbus Council Faith In Action Program
Our Vision Build the domestic church in collaboration with the Diocese of Portland by evangelizing and proclaiming our faith through our works of Charity, Unity and Fraternity.
Our Mission Strengthen our Parish by recruiting, engaging and retaining brother Knights and their families through our Faith in Action Programs in the Church, Community, Family, and Life events within our Parish and Community.
As our Council Faith In Action Director, I will be working to provide you an in-depth look at the 2019 Knights of Columbus both here and from Supreme. The goal here is to show each Catholic man and his family in our Parish just how this NEW "Faith In Action Program" works, and how it will benefit Knights families, as well as non-Knight families.
We look forward to serving you, and working with you on many projects and programs during 2019.
God Bless & Peace,
Joe Mathew OFS,
Council Faith In Action Director