- ABBA receives calls and visits every day from women and men experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or crisis pregnancy. Our mission is to counsel these individuals and help them think through their situation to make the best possible choice for their bodies, their unborn child, and their future
- At ABBA, we believe that abortion is often the result of a lack of resources, education, and support. Our center offers practical, compassionate ways to remove the barriers that cause women to choose abortion and provide the opportunity for every woman to make positive choices for herself and for her unborn children.
- For women who choose to parent, ABBA provides pregnancy support through medical referrals and parenting classes. We also provide information on adoption for clients who want to carry their child, but aren't ready to parent.
- As a Christian ministry, we endeavor to serve the the Greater Portland/Cumberland County community with Christ-like compassion as we support the clients who come to us.
Money collected during the baby bottle drive is donated to this center. Portland Lifeguard is the character-based Sexual Integrity program of ABBA, A Woman's Resource Center, which is a 501-c-3 non-profit organization serving primarily the girls and women of the Greater Portland/Cumberland County area.